Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
10142859 | Radiation Measurements | 2018 | 23 Pages |
The optimal pellet configuration, for the three salts investigated, was achieved with 100-400â¯Î¼m sized salt grains and a compression force of 3.0â¯Â±â¯0.5 tons. With the proposed NaCl pellets, readout and calibration procedure, it is possible to achieve a linear dose response in the dose range from 0 to 300â¯mGy. When using a calibration dose for signal normalisation the reproducibility of the radiation induced OSL signal is within 1.5% and when using the most optimal calibration dose for each salt the estimated dose is within 3% of the given dose. The detection limits for the salts investigated are, in terms of minimum detectable dose, between 5 and 21â¯Î¼Gy. Considering these findings and the overall cost of manufacturing NaCl pellets i.e. the worldwide availability, the proposed method opens for radiation protection measurements that have so far been too expensive or impossible.
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Physical Sciences and Engineering
Physics and Astronomy
Lovisa Waldner, Christian Bernhardsson,