Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
10154514 Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 2019 25 Pages PDF
Despite the vast distribution among tissues, the central nervous system (CNS) represents the main target of methylmercury (MeHg) toxicity. However, few studies have evaluated the effects of MeHg exposure on the CNS at equivalent doses to human environmental exposure. In our study, we evaluated the motor cortex, an important area of motor control, in adult rats chronically exposed to MeHg in a concentration equivalent to those found in fish-eating populations exposed to mercury (Hg). The parameters evaluated were total Hg accumulation, oxidative stress, tissue damage, and behavioral assessment in functional actions that involved this cortical region. Our results show in exposed animals a significantly greater level of Hg in the motor cortex; increase of nitrite levels and lipid peroxidation, associated with decreased antioxidant capacity against peroxyl radicals; reduction of neuronal and astrocyte density; and poor coordination and motor learning impairment. Our data showed that chronic exposure at low doses to MeHg is capable of promoting damages to the motor cortex of adult animals, with changes in oxidative biochemistry misbalance, neurodegeneration, and motor function impairment.
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