Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
1063997 Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2010 8 Pages PDF

Several instruments have been proposed for household solid waste management. In order for these instruments to be successful, it is essential to investigate social factors affecting the public's behaviour during their implementation. The present article aims to explore the influence of social parameters, connected with the concept of social capital, on the perceptions of the public in relation to a market-based instrument. In particular, the results of a case study, conducted on a Greek island community, are presented, regarding the perceptions and willingness to pay of individuals for an economic instrument, aimed at the minimization of waste volume and an increase in recycling. Furthermore, these issues are further explained taking into consideration the influence of four social capital parameters: social trust, institutional trust, social networks and compliance with social norms. In the conclusions of the study, it is underlined that, although citizens are negative towards the proposed policy, enforcement of social factors may significantly affect individuals’ perceptions and environmental behaviour during the final implementation of the policy tool.

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