Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
1114701 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 2014 5 Pages PDF

Emotions and anxiety are present in the current psychological literature. In education field we are studying the influence on the management of these variables at the time of establishing the relationship between teacher and pupil. The way of teaching is undoubtedly important in transmitting knowledge. The study was carried out with students in 2nd specialties of Teaching Physical Education (PE) of the Education Faculty at Zaragoza University. Specifically there were 53 students of PE, 38 boys (79,61%) and 15 girls (20,39%). We present the first results of the research, which as most significant advances, we can see that emotional variables such as clarity and emotional attention are connected to gender and anxiety-feature with qualification of the subject. In addition, no correlation was found between anxiety and emotional replys given by participants.

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