Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
1447713 Acta Materialia 2013 10 Pages PDF

The Poisson’s ratio of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses in the system Zr63−xCu24AlxNi10Co3 was found to exhibit a non-monotonous behavior as a function of x when measured with ultrasound by the pulse–echo technique. In addition, from wave propagation velocity measurements at different frequencies, i.e. f = 2.25 MHz and f = 10 MHz, a composition-dependent anelastic behavior as a function of x is found, exhibiting a similar non-monotonous behavior. In this work we further investigated the plastic deformation and the creep properties of this glass system in compression tests and by nanoindentation. The plastic strain and the measured creep deformation show correlations with the Poisson’s ratio. We then discuss the anelastic behavior observed while measuring the sound-wave propagation velocity in the frame of the thermoelastic damping and the bond reorientation as proposed by Egami. Finally we discuss these effects with regard to X-ray diffraction analysis.

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Physical Sciences and Engineering Materials Science Ceramics and Composites
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