Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
1527993 Materials Chemistry and Physics 2006 4 Pages PDF

Using CH3SiCl3 (MTS) and H2 as the precursors, large quantities of SiC nanowires with homogeneous diameter have been fabricated by a simple chemical vapor deposition process without using a metallic catalyst. The as-grown SiC nanowires were identified by TEM and XRD as single crystal β-SiC structure, with diameters of about 70 nm. As the increasing of deposition temperature, or as the decreasing of H2/MTS mol ratio, the SiC crystal dimensions increase and the morphologies of the as-grown SiC crystal change from nanowires to grains. β-SiC coaxial nanocables with a amorphous wrapping layer have also been obtained by the oxidation of SiC nanowires.

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