Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
1538583 Optics Communications 2007 6 Pages PDF

Ideal Bragg reflection waveguides (BRWs) are assumed to have an infinitely extended periodic cladding whereas in practice, the cladding of BRWs is of a finite extent. Bloch theorem is widely used to analyze the propagation characteristics of the BRWs. Since Bloch theorem is ideally valid only for an infinitely extended periodic medium, its application to study such BRWs is an approximation. We present a matrix method for a more accurate analysis of finite-clad BRWs and estimate the extent of errors involved in the values of the propagation constant obtained by the Bloch wave formalism. The proposed method can be used to obtain the mode effective indices as well as the radiation loss of a finite-clad BRW without resorting to solving any complex transcendental equation. In addition, since the method does not inherently assume a periodic cladding, it can also be used to analyze symmetric multi-channel BRWs, chirped structures and directional couplers.

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Physical Sciences and Engineering Materials Science Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
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