Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
1841912 | Nuclear Physics B | 2009 | 27 Pages |
We demonstrate that exclusive B decays to P -wave charmonium factorize in the non-relativistic limit provided that colour-octet contributions are taken into account, and estimate the branching fractions. Although there are very large uncertainties, we find reasonable parameter choices, where the main features of the data – large corrections to (naive) factorization and suppression of the χc2χc2 and hchc final states – are reproduced though the suppression of χc2χc2 is not as strong as seen in the data. Our results also provide an example, where an endpoint divergence in hard spectator-scattering factorizes and is absorbed into colour-octet operator matrix elements.
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Physical Sciences and Engineering
Mathematical Physics
M. Beneke, L. Vernazza,