Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
2524220 | Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy | 2013 | 7 Pages |
JAKMIP1 is a member of the recently characterized JAKMIP1 family of proteins. It has been suggested that JAKMIP1 may play a role in various cell programs, such as cytoskeleton rearrangement, cell polarization, intracellular transport or even cell signaling activities. We examined its protein expression in tumor and followed it with a model that captures its impact on activities of some tumor-linked signaling pathways as well as how its upregulation affects cell proliferation. Here, we demonstrate that JAKMIP1 is highly expressed in tumor samples than in normal tissues. Additionally, higher expression of this protein may activate Wnt signaling activity, potentiate beta-catenin accumulation and enhance proliferation of cancer cells.
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