Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
2603251 Toxicology in Vitro 2010 7 Pages PDF

The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a differential response of lymphocytes from healthy MnSOD genotype subjects to oxidative stress. We used UV radiation as a toxic agent due to its genotoxic effects associated with chromosome aberrations caused by breaks in the DNA strands. Cellular growth rate, cell viability, mitotic index, chromosomal instability and biomarkers of oxidative metabolism were analysed in lymphocyte cells from healthy adults with different Ala16Val MnSOD polymorphisms that produce tree genotypes: AA, VV and AV. We found a differential response to UV exposure in cultures of lymphocyte cells from Ala16Val genotype donors. In general, AA cell cultures presented higher viability and mitotic index and lower TBARS levels than VV and AV cells for both the control and UV exposure groups. However, when we compared the DNA damage among the three genotypes, AA lymphocyte cells presented the highest damage from UV exposure. These data suggest that the Ala16Val polymorphism affects the response of cellular oxidative metabolism in different ways.

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Life Sciences Environmental Science Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
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