Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
2650637 Health SA Gesondheid 2016 8 Pages PDF

BackgroundRecreational noise exposure, including personal music device use (PMD), has become a growing public health concern, as it may potentially result in the development of hearing difficulties.ObjectivesThe aim of the study was to determine the differential impact and short-term effects of simultaneous cardiovascular workout and PMD use on the outer hair cell (OHC) function of young adults.MethodA quantitative research approach was followed. In this study a pre-test post-test approach was used and twelve subjects participated in three 1 h testing conditions with altered variables including: (i) exposure to PMD use in isolation, (ii) exposure to cardiovascular workout in isolation, and (iii) simultaneous exposure to the latter mentioned. Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) were conducted pre– and post-exposure for each testing condition as primary indicator of cochlear responses. The process consisted of a cycling procedure through the preset stimulus frequency sequence, measuring the 2f₁–f₂ (75–70 dBSPL) and constructing a plot of DPOAE levels as a function of frequency.ResultsIndividual testing conditions did not result in statistically significant changes of the DPOAE response, however a significantly different profile in the DPOAE response level increase/decrease for the higher frequencies (6–8 kHz) was obtained when comparing the different sessions. Exposure to cardiovascular workout condition in isolation indicated a clear trend of an increased DPOAE response level between the pre-exposure and post-exposure testing from 2 kHz to 8 kHz with a maximum increase at 6 kHz. Both the music-only condition and the combined condition resulted in a clear trend of decreased DPOAE response amplitudes between the pre-exposure and post-exposure testing for the higher frequencies.ConclusionFindings support the notion of a clear effect of cardiovascular workout with and without music exposure on the OHC function at higher test frequencies, as measured by DPOAEs. Decreased DPOAE amplitudes between 2 kHz and 8 kHz were observed with music exposure and the opposite effect was observed for cardiovascular workout in isolation.

abstrakAgtergrondBlootstelling aan geraas tydens ontspanningsaktiwiteite, soos die gebruik van persoonlike musiektoestelle (PMT), veroorsaak toenemende kommer met betrekking tot moontlike ontwikkeling van gehoorverlies.DoelwitteDie doel van die navorsing was om die differensiële impak en korttermyn gevolge van gelyktydige kardiovaskulêre oefening en PMT gebruik op die buitenste haarselfunksionering van jong volwassenes te bepaal.MetodeTydens die studie is 'n kwantitatiewe pre-toets post-toets navorsingsbenadering gebruik waartydens twaalf deelnemers blootgestel is aan drie afsonderlike toetsomstandighede van een uur elk: (i) PMT gebruik in isolasie, (ii) kardiovaskulêre oefening in isolasie, en (iii) gelyktydige kardiovaskulêre oefening en PMT gebruik. Distorsieproduk oto-akoestiese emissies (DPOAE) is uitgevoer voor– en na blootstelling aan bogenoemde omstandighede as die primêre aanduiding van kogleêre response wat ontlok word deur 'n vasgestelde stimulus frekwensie patroon wat 2f₁ – f₂ (75–70 dBSPL) meet en voorstel as‘n grafiek van DPOAE as 'n funksie van frekwensie.ResultateDie individuele toetsomstandighede het in isolasie geen statisties beduidende verskille in DPOAE amplitudes getoon nie. Statisties beduidende verskille in DPOAE amplitudes van die hoë frekwensies (6–8 kHz) is verkry tydens die vergelyking tussen die verskillende toetsomstandighede. Blootstelling aan kardiovaskulêre oefening alleenlik het 'n duidelike tendens van verhoogde DPOAE amplitudes tussen voor – en na blootstelling tussen 2 kHz en 8 kHz, met 'n maksimum by 6 kHz, getoon. Beide die musiek in isolasie en gekombineerde omstandighede het ‘n duidelike afname in DPOAE amplitudes tussen voor – en na blootstelling getoon.GevolgtrekkingHierdie bevindinge ondersteun die teorie dat kardiovaskulêre oefening ‘n invloed op buitenste haarselfunksionering van hoë frekwensies kan hê, soos gemeet deur DPOAEs in die teenwoordigheid en afwesigheid van musiek. Verlaagde DPOAE amplitudes tussen 2 kHz en 8 kHz is geobserveer tydens musiektoestel blootstelling en die teenoorgestelde effek is waargeneem vir kardiovaskulêre oefening in isolasie.

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