Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
275497 International Journal of Project Management 2016 8 Pages PDF

•The paper presents an empirical study that shows that project managers look at their assignment differently.•Some managers have their focus on the project triangle (time, cost and quality).•Others are focused on helping the receiving organization to obtain maximum value creation.•The lesson is that every project has to decide explicitly which project management perspective should rule the work.

Do all project managers have the same perspective on project management? This paper argues that project management may be seen from different perspectives. The task perspective means that the project manager focuses on delivering on time, within budget and with specified quality. The organizational perspective implies that the project manager's focus is to support value creation in the receiving organization. The conducted survey reveals that different perspectives prevail among project managers. The implications are of importance. Every project has to decide at the outset which project management perspective shall rule the work of the project.

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