Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
2886280 Annals of Vascular Surgery 2013 4 Pages PDF
The decision-making involved in managing type 2 aortic dissections remains challenging despite the advances in endovascular technology. We report a challenging case of a patient presenting with a type 2 aortic dissection and false lumen extension into an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Severe back pain and hypertension were the patient's initial complaints, and dynamic magnetic resonance angiography revealed 1-way pulsatile flow into the AAA sac from the false lumen. This patient underwent endovascular repair with a thoracic and infrarenal aortic endograft, successfully excluding the false lumen and decompressing the infrarenal aneursymal sac. This is a unique presentation of total endovascular repair of a symptomatic type B aortic dissection with a pressurized infrarenal AAA sac from false lumen flow into the sac.
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