Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
328075 Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2016 9 Pages PDF

•We examined the effectiveness of peer-delivered recovery support services for people with addictions.•A limited amount of evidence was of strong methodological quality.•The definition and role of a peer varies widely.•Overall, peer support was found to be salutary and is associated with improvements in a range of substance use and recovery outcomes.•We provide extensive recommendations to strengthen future studies on peer-delivered recovery support services.

This systematic review identifies, appraises, and summarizes the evidence on the effectiveness of peer-delivered recovery support services for people in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. Nine studies met criteria for inclusion in the review. They were assessed for quality and outcomes including substance use and recovery-related factors. Despite significant methodological limitations found in the included studies, the body of evidence suggests salutary effects on participants. Current limitations and recommendations for future research are discussed.

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