Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
364320 Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences 2016 8 Pages PDF

The objective of this research was to examine the effects of the big-five personality traits and organizational commitments on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The research method of this study was a mixed method combining quantitative and qualitative methods. For the quantitative research method, data were collected from 144 support staff at Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, Thailand and the hypotheses were tested using the stepwise multiple regression analysis technique. For the qualitative research method, in-depth interviews with 11 support staff were used to explain the quantitative findings. The findings revealed that the components of the big-five personality traits and organizational commitments which significantly affected OCB were agreeable personality, continuance commitment, conscientious personality, affective commitment, and emotionally-stable personality. In examining intensively each dimension of the OCB as a dependent variable, the results showed the following: 1) agreeable personality, affective commitment, conscientious personality, and normative commitment had positive significant effects on altruistic behavior; 2) conscientious personality, agreeable personality, and continuance commitment had positive significant effects on conscientious behavior; 3) affective commitment and agreeable personality had positive significant effects on sportsmanship behavior; 4) emotionally stable personality and continuance commitment had positive significant effects on courteous behavior; and 5) continuance commitment, agreeable personality, conscientious personality, and emotionally-stable personality had positive significant effects on civic virtue behavior.

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