Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
3804058 Medicina Clínica 2006 5 Pages PDF

Fundamento y objetivoDescribir las características de la anesthesia ambulatoria en Cataluña (España) en 2003.Pacientes y métodoDatos referentes a anestesia de la encuesta epidemiological ANESCAT 2003, basada en los actos anestésicos realizados en 131 hospitales públicos, concertados y privados de Cataluña durante 14 días representativos del año 2003.ResultadosDe la estimación de 603.189 anestesias realizadas, 206.992 (34,32%; intervalo de confianza del 95%, 33,3-35,4%)fueron ambulatorias. La edad mediana (percentiles 10-90) de los pacientes fue de 59 (22-80) años y el 56,6% eran mujeres. El 75,1% correspondió a pacientes con clase 1 o 2 de la clasificación de la American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). La sedación/vigilancia fue la forma de anestesia más frecuente (47,7%), seguida de la anesthesia regional (28,9%); de esta última, las técnicas más utilizadas fueron los bloqueos peri/retrobulbares (un 50,8% de las anestesias regionales), seguidos de la anestesia subaracnoidea (22,2%). El 76,5% de las anestesias se aplicaron para intervenciones quirúrgicas y el 22% para exploraciones o procedimientos no quirúrgicos. Las especialidades quirúrgicas más implicadas fueron la oftalmología (39%) y la cirugía ortopédica y traumatología (10,9%). Los procedimientos más frecuentes fueron la cirugía de cataratas (32,3%) y las endoscopies digestivas (16,7%). El 8,2% de los pacientes no requirió recuperación postanestésica. El índice de anestesias ambulatorias fue superior en hospitales privados, de tamaño inferior a 250 camas y sin docencia de programa de residencia.ConclusionesLa anestesia ambulatoria en Cataluña supone aproximadamente la tercera parte de todas las anestesias, con predominio de la sedación/vigilancia y anestesia regional. Se aplica principalmente a cirugía oftalmológica y tiene una importante tasa de procedimientos endoscópicos.

Background and objectiveThe aim of this arm of the ANESCAT study was to describe the characteristics of ambulatory anesthesia in Catalonia, Spain.Patients and methodRelevant was extracted from a survey of anesthetic procedures in 131 public, publicly contracted, and private hospitals on 14 representative days in 2003.ResultsOf the estimated 603,189 anesthesias performed, 206,992 (34.32%; 95% confidence interval, 33.3%-35.4%) were on outpatients. The median (10th to 90th percentile) age of patients was 59 (22-80) years and 56.6% were women. The physical status of patients according to the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification was ASA I or II for 75.1% of the patient sample. The most common approach to anesthesia was sedation/monitoring (47.7%), followed by regional anesthesia (28.9%). The types of regional anesthesia reported most often were peri- or retrobulbar blocks (50.8% of the regional blocks), followed by spinal anesthesia (22.2%). Anesthesia was required for surgery in 76.5% of the cases and for diagnostic or other nonsurgical procedures in 22%. The individual surgical specialties creating the greatest demand for anesthetic procedures were ophthalmology (39%) and orthopedic and trauma surgery (10.9%). The specific interventions accounting for the largest percentages of anesthetic procedures were cataract extraction (32.3%) and digestive tract endoscopy (16.7%). In 8.2% of the cases, patients did not require a stay in the postanesthetic recovery unit. Private hospitals, facilities with fewer than 250 beds, and those not accredited to provide medical resident training had higher rates of ambulatory anesthesia.ConclusionsAmbulatory procedures account for approximately a third of the anesthesia workload in Catalonia. Sedation/monitoring and regional anesthesia are the approaches that predominate in this category. Ambulatory anesthesia is applied mainly in ophthalmology and the rate of endoscopic procedures requiring outpatient anesthesia is also high.

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