Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
3945536 Gynecologic Oncology 2016 8 Pages PDF

•Somatic POLE mutations are associated with improved recurrence free survival.•Germline mutations in POLE and POLD1 are seen in 8.5% of patients with grade 3 endometrioid endometrial carcinoma.•Somatic- POLE mutated grade 3 endometroid endometrial cancers were more likely to be microsatellite stable and associated with peritumoral lymphocytic inflitrates.

ObjectiveSomatic POLE mutations have been found in a subset of endometrioid ECs particularly in FIGO grade 3 tumors while POLD1 mutations are reportedly rare in ECs. While it has been suggested that POLE mutation confers good prognosis, the data remains conflicting. Our study aims to determine the mutation spectrum of somatic and germline POLE and POLD1 gene mutations in South East Asian (SEA) women with FIGO grade 3 endometrioid ECs.MethodsForty-seven patients diagnosed with FIGO grade 3 endometrioid EC, diagnosed between 2009 and 2013 were included. Next generation sequencing (NGS) using formalin fixed embedded (FFPE) tissue was utilized to sequence tumor and matched normal tissue. Tumors were also assessed for other clinicopathologic and microsatellite status phenotype. Survival curves for pathogenic somatic POLE mutated and wild-type tumors were estimated by Kaplan–Meier method.ResultsPathogenic POLE (somatic or germline) and POLD1 (germline) mutations were detected in 29.7% (14/47) and 4.3% (2/47) patients, respectively. Three pathogenic germline mutations; one POLE and two POLD1 mutations were novel. Pathogenic germline and somatic POLE and POLD1 mutations were associated with 100% recurrence free survival. In contrast, among the wild-type POLE and POLD1 patients, 25% (8/32) had recurrence with 15.6% (5/32) subsequently dying of the disease. Somatic POLE-mutated tumors were more commonly associated with microsatellite stable (MSS) ECs (83% vs 49%; p = 0.04) and peritumoral lymphocytic infiltration (75% vs 42%; p = 0.05). All tumors with tumoral infiltrating lymphocytes exhibited peritumoral lymphocytic infiltrate but not vice versa.ConclusionMutations in POLE and POLD1 in SEA women with grade 3 endometrioid ECs are associated with improved recurrence free survival. Notably, germline mutations in either POLE/POLD1 were seen in 8.5% of patients who will require appropriate genetic counseling regarding risk of developing colorectal carcinoma and on the need for additional surveillance for colonic changes. MSS and peritumoral lymphocytic infiltration may be useful histological features for distinguishing POLE mutated grade 3 endometrioid ECs.

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