Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
4450792 | Atmospheric Research | 2010 | 8 Pages |
The simultaneous measurements of black carbon (BC, based on Aethalometer) and elemental carbon (EC, using thermo-optical EC–OC analyzer) in airborne particles collected from an urban location (Kanpur) in northern India are reported here. The strategy for site-selection is most relevant in order to assess the relative dominance of emissions from coal-fired industries, fossil–fuel combustion and biomass burning on the seasonal variability of EC (BC) concentrations. An inter-comparison of the analytical data (n = 32) suggests that BC mass concentration is ∼ 20% higher than that of EC. However, attenuation coefficient (bATN) measured by the two analytical instruments shows good agreement (slope = 0.97, n = 27), establishing the validity of bATN derived from thermo-optical EC–OC analyzer. Furthermore, slope (20.7 m2 g− 1) of a linear-fit to the data (n = 48, R2 = 0.86) for surface EC concentration (ECs ≤ 8 μg C cm− 2) and optical-attenuation (ATN ≤ 180) measured at 678 nm on thermo-optical analyzer provides an independent and novel way of determining the “site-specific” attenuation cross-section (σATN).