Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
4465416 International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2007 9 Pages PDF

Iran is dominated by arid and semi-arid climate with sporadic rainfall which creates seasonal floods and causes considerable damages and occasionally loss of life. The current research with the aim of flood damage reduction presents an innovative applied methodology for spatial optimization of flood control measures based on sub-catchments location. The presented methodology determines the contribution of each sub-catchment to the main catchment outlet flood peak and prioritizes sub-catchments for implementation of flood control measures. For this purpose catchment flood hydrographs are simulated by calibration and evaluation of a hydrologic model. The isochrones of the catchment have been computed and drawn and sub-catchment spatial distribution is investigated in relation to isochronal areas. Considering both spatial distribution and flooding potential of sub-catchments and their combined effects on the flood peak, their contribution to flood peak was modified by implementing flood control measure. Testing of this methodology on an experimental catchment indicated that sub-catchments located near the centroid of the catchment with an area of 64.6 km2 have the greatest effects on flood peak for the overall catchment with an area of 284.6 km2. It was concluded that flood control measures should be concentrated in these sub-catchments as the first priority.

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