Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
4595705 | Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra | 2017 | 25 Pages |
We introduce and study the minimum distance function of a graded ideal in a polynomial ring with coefficients in a field, and show that it generalizes the minimum distance of projective Reed–Muller-type codes over finite fields. This gives an algebraic formulation of the minimum distance of a projective Reed–Muller-type code in terms of the algebraic invariants and structure of the underlying vanishing ideal. Then we give a method, based on Gröbner bases and Hilbert functions, to find lower bounds for the minimum distance of certain Reed–Muller-type codes. Finally we show explicit upper bounds for the number of zeros of polynomials in a projective nested cartesian set and give some support to a conjecture of Carvalho, Lopez-Neumann and López.