Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
4608258 | Journal of Approximation Theory | 2007 | 20 Pages |
In this paper we extend the theory of maximal convergence introduced by Walsh to functions of squared modulus holomorphic type, i.e.F(x,y)=|g(x+iy)|2,(x,y)∈L,L⊂R2compact,where g is holomorphic in an open connected neighborhood of {x+iy∈C:(x,y)∈L}{x+iy∈C:(x,y)∈L}. We introduce in accordance to the well-known complex maximal convergence number for holomorphic functions a real maximal convergence number for functions of squared modulus holomorphic type and prove several maximal convergence theorems. We achieve that the real maximal convergence number for F is always greater or equal than the complex maximal convergence number for g and equality occurs if L is a closed disk in R2R2. Among other various applications of the resulting approximation estimates we show that for functions F of squared holomorphic type which have no zeros in B¯2,r≔{(x,y)∈R2:x2+y2≤r} the relationlimsupn→∞En(B¯2,r,F)n=limsupn→∞En(∂B2,r,F)nis valid, where En(B¯2,r,F)≔inf{max(x,y)∈B¯2,r|F(x,y)-Pn(x,y)|:Pn:R2→R a polynomial of degree ⩽n}⩽n}.