Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
4654267 European Journal of Combinatorics 2010 7 Pages PDF

During the final steps in the classification of the Moufang quadrangles by Jacques Tits and Richard Weiss a new class of Moufang quadrangles unexpectedly turned up. Subsequently Bernhard Mühlherr and Hendrik Van Maldeghem showed that this class arises as the fixed points and hyperlines of certain involutions of a metasymplectic space (or equivalently a building of type F4). In the same paper they also showed that other types of Moufang quadrangles can be embedded in a metasymplectic space as points and hyperlines.In this paper, we reverse the question: given a (thick) quadrangle embedded in a metasymplectic space as points and hyperlines, when is such a quadrangle a Moufang quadrangle?

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