Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
4935349 | Seizure | 2017 | 15 Pages |
Presently, no postictal laboratory values can definitively prove or rule out the diagnosis of an epileptic seizure. For seizures with unknown causes, simple blood tests can be a valuable aid for quickly defining the etiology, particularly with certain metabolic and toxic encephalopathies. For this reason, CK, electrolytes, creatinine, liver and renal function tests should be measured on at least one occasion. Further research is needed in order to identify new biomarkers that improve the diagnosis and prognosis of seizures and seizure-related complications.
TSEN-Terminal pro Brain Natriuretic PeptidecTNTcTnIgeneralized tonic clonic seizureSUDEPPNESVPAGTCSARFTIABNPPRLAVPADHNSEcpsSPSACSneuron specific enolaseNt-pro-BNPLaboratoryEmergency roomLoss of consciousnessElectroencephalogramECGelectrocardiogramstatus epilepticusintensive care unitICUEpilepsycoronary artery diseaseTroponincardiac troponin TseizureSimple partial seizuresComplex partial seizuresFebrile convulsionspsychogenic non-epileptic seizuresEpileptic seizurestransient ischemic attackBloodSerumAcute coronary syndromeCADcardiac troponin ICSFCerebrospinal fluidLocSudden unexpected death in epilepsyAcute renal failureEEGfollicle stimulating hormoneluteinizing hormoneantidiuretic hormonethyroid stimulating hormoneFSHarginine vasopressinValproic acidVideo-EEGProlactinbrain natriuretic peptideCreatine kinase
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