Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
5028210 | Procedia Engineering | 2017 | 8 Pages |
The optimization of pump operations has been widely studied, as it can decrease operational and maintenance costs and can reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by the energy consumption from fossil fueled electricity sources. However, only the optimization of pump scheduling (where pumps are controlled based on times) and the optimization of simple controls (where pumps are controlled based on one condition only, e.g. the level of one tank) were previously able to be used in the EPANET2 toolkit. This paper uses a modified version of the hydraulic solver EPANET2 that enables rule-based controls (i.e. controls based on more than one condition) to be automatically changed by an optimization algorithm. This modification is particularly useful in cases where the pump operations need to be decided based on multiple conditions: typical examples are the cases where the pumps are controlled according to the water levels of multiple tanks or when both tank levels and time of day are taken into account to reduce the pumping in the peak tariff period. The new toolkit, called ETTAR (EPANET2 Toolkit to Alter Rules), is applied to a large case study, where different types of pump operations will be tested. Results show that the optimization of rule-based controls can decrease operational costs while guaranteeing robust pump controls.