Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
5732501 | International Journal of Surgery Case Reports | 2017 | 5 Pages |
â¢We are reporting a very rare complication of bariatric surgeries.â¢Most of reported cases of GPF were post sleeve gastrectomy.â¢We could not find cases of GPF post minigastric bypass like our case.â¢The presentation was very late in this case (2 years post surgery).â¢The findings can be subtle and might be missed on some diagnostic tools.
IntroductionPulmonary complications after bariatric surgeries are rare but usually serious. They often occur early after surgery but the presentation might be delayed for several months. Gastropleural fistula after bariatric surgery is extremely rare and has been reported in a very small number of patients post sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass.Case presentationA 37-year-old lady presented with left sided pleural effusion and empyema 2 years post single anastomosis gastric bypass surgery. She was found to have a large gastropleural fistula and was managed by surgical repair of the fistula with conversion to gastric bypass and decortication of the affected pleura. That resulted in significant clinical improvement and resolution of the empyema.ConclusionGastropleural fistula is a very rare complication of bariatric surgeries and should be considered in patients who present with chronic or recurrent pulmonary infections.