Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
5778034 | Topology and its Applications | 2017 | 7 Pages |
A space X is selectively absolutely star-Lindelöf if for any open cover U of X and any sequence (Dn:nâÏ) of dense subsets of X, there are finite sets FnâDn (nâÏ) such that St(ânâÏFn,U)=X. This notion was introduced by S. Bhowmik [3], and it lies between absolute countable compactness in Matveev [9] and absolute star-Lindelöfness in Bonanzinga [4]. In this paper, we distinguish absolute star-Lindelöfness from selective absolute star-Lindelöfness, and study the general properties of selectively absolutely star-Lindelöf spaces.
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Physical Sciences and Engineering
Geometry and Topology
Maddalena Bonanzinga, Maria Vittoria Cuzzupé, Masami Sakai,