Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
6479648 Composite Structures 2017 11 Pages PDF

This paper presents a detailed investigation about the geometric non-linear stiffness behavior of corrugated laminates in six different load cases. The considered tensile, bending, and shear load cases allow the modeling with a unit-cell approach assuming a generalized plane strain state. The torsional load case is more complex. There the mechanical response depends on the number of unit-cells and the width of the samples in case of geometric non-linearities. We first identify the load cases that show a non-linear stiffness response under large deformation. Then the non-linear behavior is analyzed in detail using numerical simulation and we aim for mechanical explanations to describe the non-linear behavior. The FE simulations of the torsional load case are validated using experiments with 3D printed samples.

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Physical Sciences and Engineering Engineering Civil and Structural Engineering