Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
6797661 | Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry | 2013 | 15 Pages |
This study indicates larger orbitofrontal and insular GM volumes, as well as lower fornix WM integrity in adolescents with AN, similar to adults. The pattern of larger anteroventral GM and WM volume as well as WM integrity, but lower WM integrity in posterior frontal and parietal regions may indicate that developmental factors such as GM pruning and WM growth could contribute to brain alterations in AN. The negative correlation between taste pleasantness and orbitofrontal cortex volume in individuals with AN could contribute to food avoidance in this disorder.
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Guido K.W. M.D., Megan E. B.S., Jennifer O. M.D., Tony T. M.D., Ph.D,