Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
7609518 | Journal of Chromatography A | 2017 | 11 Pages |
This work presents the development and validation of a multivariate method for quantitation of 6 potentially allergenic substances (PAS) related to fragrances by ultrasound-assisted emulsification microextraction coupled with HPLC-DAD and PARAFAC2 in the presence of other 18 PAS. The objective is the extension of a previously proposed univariate method to be able to determine the 24 PAS currently considered as allergens. The suitability of the multivariate approach for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the analytes is discussed through datasets of increasing complexity, comprising the assessment and validation of the method performance. PARAFAC2 showed to adequately model the data facing up different instrumental and chemical issues, such as co-elution profiles, overlapping spectra, unknown interfering compounds, retention time shifts and baseline drifts. Satisfactory quality parameters of the model performance were obtained (R2 â¥Â 0.94), as well as meaningful chromatographic and spectral profiles (r â¥Â 0.97). Moreover, low errors of prediction in external validation standards (below 15% in most cases) as well as acceptable quantification errors in real spiked samples (recoveries from 82 to 119%) confirmed the suitability of PARAFAC2 for resolution and quantification of the PAS. The combination of the previously proposed univariate approach, for the well-resolved peaks, with the developed multivariate method allows the determination of the 24 regulated PAS.
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Physical Sciences and Engineering
Analytical Chemistry
Jessica Pérez-Outeiral, Saioa Elcoroaristizabal, Jose Manuel Amigo, Maider Vidal,