Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
791045 International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 2006 5 Pages PDF

The presence of flaws, their size and location in the welded region affects the safe service life of pressure pipes operating at elevated temperature. A remaining life assessment was required to determine the probable remaining safe life of pressure pipes in a high-temperature steam distribution system in which crack-like defects had been identified in many welds. The crack-like defects indicated by NDE lacked the required information to fully identify their locations within the pipe wall. The effect of not knowing complete details of the location of the identified cracks was studied by considering a 360° circumferential crack with initial radial dimension a0. The crack positions evaluated were: an internal surface crack, an external surface crack, and embedded cracks at various distances from the internal wall of the pipe. Crack growth was modeled using time-dependent fracture mechanics and a newly developed computer code.

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