Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
808139 | Reliability Engineering & System Safety | 2009 | 5 Pages |
Weak part analysis of a system is a key element in a system reliability quantification process. It enables the weakest areas of a system to be recognized and assists in directing remedial measures for improving the system reliability. This paper presents a novel approach to identifying the weak parts using the unreliability tracing (UT) technique and introduces the proportional sharing principle (PSP). The model for tracing the unreliability of a complex network is presented based on reliability evaluation methods using minimal cut sets (MCSs) and the PSP. The system UT sharing factors (UTSFs) are derived to easily identify the major unreliability contributions (MUCs) in a system. The method is illustrated using three cases and the UT, UTSF and the reliability impact analysis of different components are discussed. The results show that the developed technique can be applied to complex networks for UT tracing and recognizing the MUC.