Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
809774 International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2010 11 Pages PDF

A design module has been developed for integrating slope stability analysis into the data management, ore reserve and pit optimisation processes of an open pit mine. The developed slope stability analysis tools were successfully implemented along the full projected pit model of a surface mine in Canada. Undertaken stability analyses included both kinematic and limit equilibrium stability analysis for bench and interramp design. The developed stability analysis modules employed geographical information systems (GIS) techniques to provide visualization tools and establish stability susceptibility zones along the pit. This approach facilitated the selection of acceptable slope design criteria for the pit. A case study was used to illustrate the developed methodology and tools. This approach led to an improved design for the optimised 3D pit configuration and can facilitate communication between the mine planning and geotechnical groups. This can contribute to a better understanding of the economic impact of the different slope and pit design scenarios. Given that open pit design is an iterative process, the opportunity of having design tools that can readily accommodate the use of updated data and explore different options provide tangible economic benefits.

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Physical Sciences and Engineering Earth and Planetary Sciences Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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