Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
8208387 Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2018 5 Pages PDF
The objective of this paper is to estimate radiation dose level in the control room due to air contamination in the containment of open pool type reactor during emergency situation. A postulated core degradation accident, due to fuel element blockage, causes fission products to release to the reactor containment and then, the ventilation system would convert automatically from the normal situation to the emergency situation to purify the contaminated air by forcing it to pass through a group of filters. The study computed the dose rate in the control room, adjacent to the containment, during the emergency situation. The dose rate level in the control room depends on the degree of the core degradation and so, the maximum dose rate is corresponding to the complete degradation of the core and the minimum dose rate is corresponding to the degradation of one fuel plate. The dose rate in the control room was calculated using MCNP5 code and it ranged from 1.12 to 2.03E-3 Sv/h. The results also show that the dose rate level in the control room would continue having values more than the permissible limit for a long time and so, a suggestion of venting the radioactive isotopes from the containment into the environment was studied to decrease the dose rate level in the control room. The suggestion was possible because the maximum dose, resulting from the contaminated air venting, would fortunately locate in a free-inhabitant area.
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