Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
8400676 | Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology | 2017 | 40 Pages |
In cardiac myocytes, calcium (Ca2+) signalling is tightly controlled in dedicated microdomains. At the dyad, i.e. the narrow cleft between t-tubules and junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), many signalling pathways combine to control Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release during contraction. Local Ca2+ gradients also exist in regions where SR and mitochondria are in close contact to regulate energetic demands. Loss of microdomain structures, or dysregulation of local Ca2+ fluxes in cardiac disease, is often associated with oxidative stress, contractile dysfunction and arrhythmias. Ca2+ signalling at these microdomains is highly mechanosensitive. Recent work has demonstrated that increasing mechanical load triggers rapid local Ca2+ releases that are not reflected by changes in global Ca2+. Key mechanisms involve rapid mechanotransduction with reactive oxygen species or nitric oxide as primary signalling molecules targeting SR or mitochondria microdomains depending on the nature of the mechanical stimulus. This review summarizes the most recent insights in rapid Ca2+ microdomain mechanosensitivity and re-evaluates its (patho)physiological significance in the context of historical data on the macroscopic role of Ca2+ in acute force adaptation and mechanically-induced arrhythmias. We distinguish between preload and afterload mediated effects on local Ca2+ release, and highlight differences between atrial and ventricular myocytes. Finally, we provide an outlook for further investigation in chronic models of abnormal mechanics (eg post-myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation), to identify the clinical significance of disturbed Ca2+ mechanosensitivity for arrhythmogenesis.
CaMKIINox2NCXLTCCα-MHCRyRnNOSIP3eNOSNOSMCUCa2+ induced Ca2+ releaseNHE1SACTNCGsMTx4Ca2+Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIinositol 1,4,5-trisphosphateNa+ROSAfterloadTroponin Ctransverse tubulecalcium sparksSarcoplasmic reticulumsarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPaseSodiumendothelial nitric oxide synthaseneuronal nitric oxide synthaseSERCAMitochondrial Ca2+ uniporterMechanotransductionMicrodomainsNitric oxidenitric oxide synthaseaction potentialPreloadL-type Ca2+ channelCalciumCICRReactive oxygen speciesRyanodine receptor
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