Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
8444208 | European Journal of Cancer | 2013 | 7 Pages |
The German, Austrian and Swiss (D.A.CH) Societies of Senology gathered together in 2012 to address dwelling questions regarding axillary clearance in breast cancer patients. The Consensus Panel consisted of 14 members of these societies and included surgical oncologists, gynaecologists, pathologists and radiotherapists. With regard to omitting axillary lymph node dissection in sentinel lymph node macrometastases, the Panel consensually accepted this option for low-risk patients only. A simple majority voted against extending radiotherapy to the axilla after omitting axillary dissection in N1 disease. Consensus was yielded for the use of axillary ultrasound and prospective registers for such patients in the course of follow-up. The questions regarding neoadjuvant therapy and the timing of sentinel lymph node biopsy failed to yield consensus, yet both options (before or after) are possible in clinically node-negative disease.
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Life Sciences
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
Cancer Research
AGO AGO, DGS DGS, SGS SGS, ÃGS ÃGS, Panelists Panelists, Executive Board Members Executive Board Members,