Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
8708837 The Saudi Journal for Dental Research 2017 11 Pages PDF
Background: Extracted human teeth were suggested as a source for autogenous bone grafts, especially that they have similar chemical composition to bone. In order to accelerate healing of bone graft over the bony defect, numerous techniques utilizing platelet and fibrinogen concentrations have been introduced in the literature. Objectives: To evaluate clinically and radiographically the use of autogenous tooth bone graft material in combination with injectable platelet-rich fibrin for reconstruction of resorbed maxillary alveolar ridge. Patients and methods: This study was conducted in ten patients indicated for extraction of maxillary anterior or premolar teeth and having maxillary ridge deficiency. Implants were placed after a period of 3 months of bone grafting. The patients were selected from those attending the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University. Results: Clinically, all the patients showed uneventful healing. Radiographically, the results show 30% increase in mean bone density in the period of six months when compared to pre-operative readings. The grafted site showed an increase in the mean volume by 23.47% three months post-operative when compared to the base line measurements preoperatively. Radiographic evaluation of the alveolar ridge after 3 months of grafting showed a significant mean increase in the ridge width and height at the grafted site. Conclusion: Autogenous fresh demineralized tooth graft that is prepared at the chairside after extractions could be considered as the gold standard for socket preservation, bone augmentation in sinuses or filling bone defects, in patients having non restorable teeth indicated for extraction. The adjuvant use of injectable PRF with its high growth factor content may contribute to more favorable and predictable bone formation at the grafted site.
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