Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
8897927 | Linear Algebra and its Applications | 2018 | 18 Pages |
In this paper we investigate the relation between eigenvalue distribution and graph structure of two classes of graphs: the (m,k)-stars and l-dependent graphs. We give conditions on the topology and edge weights in order to get values and multiplicities of Laplacian matrix eigenvalues. We prove that a vertex set reduction on graphs with (m,k)-star subgraphs is feasible, keeping the same eigenvalues with reduced multiplicity. Moreover, some useful eigenvectors properties are derived up to a product with a suitable matrix. Finally, we relate these results with Fiedler spectral partitioning of the graph and the physical relevance of the results is shortly discussed.
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Physical Sciences and Engineering
Algebra and Number Theory
Eleonora Andreotti, Daniel Remondini, Graziano Servizi, Armando Bazzani,