Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
9149755 | Physiology & Behavior | 2005 | 8 Pages |
Recently, we demonstrated that Type 1 and 2 spike-wave discharges (SWD) in the EEG of juvenile WAG/Rij rats were affected differently by housing before the period at which SWD start to occur. Here we consider possible sensitive periods by analyzing strain and housing influences before and after age of SWD onset. The effects of environment in WAG/Rij and ACI rats were investigated by manipulating housing during the period in which SWD become fully manifested in WAG/Rij rats. Rats were first housed from weaning in either an impoverished or enriched environment. Housing changed for half of the rats at three months, while for the other half housing stayed the same. EEG recordings at six months showed that enriched housing led to a worsening of seizure activity. The occurrence, number and mean duration of both types of discharges were influenced differently by strain, housing and age. Our data strengthen the strong genetic dependence of Type 1 SWD, but the mean duration seems to remain sensitive to housing during development. Type 2 SWD are more sensitive to environmental influences, especially in WAG/Rij rats. Moreover, the period after three months seems a sensitive period for housing effects on Type 2 SWD in this strain. Finally, our data further support the idea that Type 1 and 2 SWD are different phenomena, with their number and mean duration controlled by distinct mechanisms.
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Life Sciences
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
Ulrich Schridde, Gilles van Luijtelaar,