Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
9516792 | Topology and its Applications | 2005 | 34 Pages |
Suppose M is a connected PL 2-manifold and X is a compact connected subpolyhedron of M (Xâ 1 pt, a closed 2-manifold). Let E(X,M) denote the space of topological embeddings of X into M with the compact-open topology and let E(X,M)0 denote the connected component of the inclusion iX:XâM in E(X,M). In this paper we classify the homotopy type of E(X,M)0 in terms of the subgroup G=Im[iXâ:Ï1(X)âÏ1(M)]. We show that if G is not a cyclic group and MâT2, K2 then E(X,M)0ââ, if G is a nontrivial cyclic group and MâP2, T2, K2 then E(X,M)0âS1, and when G=1, if X is an arc or M is orientable then E(X,M)0âST(M) and if X is not an arc and M is nonorientable then E(X,M)0âST(MË). Here S1 is the circle, T2 is the torus, P2 is the projective plane and K2 is the Klein bottle. The symbol ST(M) denotes the tangent unit circle bundle of M with respect to any Riemannian metric of M and when M is nonorientable, MË denotes the orientable double cover of M.
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Physical Sciences and Engineering
Geometry and Topology
Tatsuhiko Yagasaki,