Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
986383 Review of Economic Dynamics 2011 22 Pages PDF

This paper evaluates which type of models can account for recent episodes of output drops in Latin America. I develop an open economy version of the business cycle accounting methodology (Chari et al., 2007) in which output fluctuations are decomposed into four sources: total factor productivity (TFP), a labor wedge, a capital wedge, and a bond wedge. The paper shows that the most promising models are the ones that induce fluctuations of TFP and the labor wedge. On the other hand, models of financial frictions that translate into a bond or capital wedge are not successful in explaining output drops in Latin America. The paper also discusses the implications of these results for policy analysis using alternative DSGE models.

Research highlights► The paper evaluates the sources of output drops in Latin America. ► TFP and the labor wedge explain most of the output drops. ► The capital and bond wedge are not able to reproduce declines in output.

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