Keywords: سل; CPN; common peroneal nerve; EMG; electromyography; ENS; electrical nerve stimulation; PGS; passive ground stepping; RI; reciprocal inhibition; Sol; soleus muscle; TA; tibialis anterior muscle; Spinal reflexes; Plasticity; Electrical nerve stimulation; Pas
مقالات ISI سل (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: سل; BDI-II; Beck Depression Inventory-II; CBT-I; Cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia; eCBT-I; digitally-delivered CBT-I; PSQI; Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; SE; sleep efficiency; SOL; sleep onset latency; SQ; sleep quality; STAI-S; State-Trait Anxiet
Keywords: سل; 3; oculomotor nucleus; 5C; trigeminal caudal subnucleus; 5Idm; dorsomedial part of trigeminal interpolar subnucleus; 5Ivl; ventrolateral part of trigeminal interpolar subnucleus; 5Odm; dorsomedial part of trigeminal oral subnucleus; 5Ovl; ventrolateral pa
Keywords: سل; Rodent model; Statin-associated muscle symptoms; Simvastatin; Ca2+; calcium; CVD; cardiovascular disease; CK; creatine kinase; CON; control; FFCs; force-frequency curves; GAS; gastrocnemius; LDH; lactate dehydrogenase; MG; myoglobin; MTD; maximum tolerabl
Keywords: سل; Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire; Parent questionnaire reports; In-home sleep electroencephalography; Diary-reports of children's sleep; Sleep continuity; School-aged children; PSG; polysomnography; EEG; electroencephalography; CSHQ; the Children's S
Keywords: سل; Sleep impairment; Cognitive fatigue; P300 evoked potential; EDS; Excessive Daytime Sleepiness; EDSS; Expanded Disability Status Scale; ESS; Epworth Sleepiness Scale; FSS; Fatigue Severity Scale; MFIS; Modified Fatigue Impact Scale; MS; Multiple Sclerosis;
Keywords: سل; Delayed sleep wake phase disorder; Difficult early morning awakening; Awakening threshold; REM sleep; Polysomnography; DSWPD; Delayed sleep-wake phase disorder; AT; Awakening threshold; SOI; Sleep onset insomnia; PSG; Polysomnography; DLMO; Dim light mela
Keywords: سل; Sleep; Sleep complaint; Intraindividual variability; Night-to-night variability; Insomnia identity; CG; Complaining Good Sleepers; CP; Complaining Poor Sleepers; IIV; Intraindividual Variability; iSD; Intraindividual Standard Deviation; MANCOVA; Multivari
Keywords: سل; Insomnia; Sleep; Placebo effect; Placebo response; Expectancy; CBT; cognitive behavioural therapy; CBT-I; cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia; CMA; comprehensive meta-analysis; GSQ; global sleep quality; ISI; insomnia severity index; PSQI; Pittsbur
Keywords: سل; FRET; Förster resonance energy transfer; LDH; double, layered hydroxide; CEC; cation exchange capacities; M; dye molecule monomer; M2; dimer; MB; methylene blue; PIC; pseudoisocyanine; RCM; reduced-charge montmorillonite; Rh; rhodamine; sol; solvent; Ads
Keywords: سل; Fusion reactor design; SOL; Plasma heat load; First wall; DEMO;
Keywords: سل; Epoxide hydrolase; Inflammation; Temporal lobe epilepsy; AA; Arachidonic acid; AED; Antiepileptic drug; EEG; Electroencephalography; EET; Epoxyeicosatrienoic acid; GABA; Gamma-aminobutyric acid; IL-1β; Interleukin-1 beta; IL-6; Interleukin-6; sHEH-2; Sol
Keywords: سل; Green tea powder; Dispersibility; Flowability; Surface modification; Fluidized bed coating; GTP; green tea powder; Sol; Soluplus; d50; the volume-based mean particle size; Rw; relative particle size distributions width;
Keywords: سل; dermoscopy; diagnostic index; digital epiluminescence microscopy; histology; lentigo maligna; sensitivity and specificity; solar lentigo/seborrheic keratosis; DELM; digital epiluminescence microscopy; LM; lentigo maligna; SK; seborrheic keratosis; SL; sol
Keywords: سل; Sleep duration; Sleep improvement; Sleep education; Sleep hygiene; Pediatrics; Adolescence; Obesity; Circadian rhythms; Metabolism; Diabetes mellitus; BMI; body mass index; PSQI; Pittsburgh sleep quality index; SE; sleep efficiency; SOL; sleep onset laten
Keywords: سل; AASM; American Academy of Sleep Medicine; EEG; electroencephalogram; EOG; electrooculogram; EMG; electromyogram; HF; high frequency; HR; heart rate; HRV; heart rate variability; LF; low frequency; NREM; non-REM; POAH; preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus;
Keywords: سل; Sol; Sn(II) hydroxycompounds; Catalyst; Palladium nanoparticles; Nickel electroless deposition;
Keywords: سل; Biohydrogen; Fixed-bed anaerobic reactor; Specific organic load; Soluble fermentation products; Substrate concentration; ADSBR; anaerobic down-flow structured bed reactor; APBR; anaerobic packed-bed reactor; HRT; hydraulic retention time; HY; hydrogen yie
Keywords: سل; Muscle mass; Glycine; Nutrition; Calorie restriction; Fat mass; ALA; alanine; Atf4; activating transcription factor 4; AUC; area under the curve; Bnip3; BCL2/adenovirus E1B interacting protein 3; Ccl2; chemokine(C-C motif) ligand 2; Ccl5; chemokine(C-
Keywords: سل; SM; sphingomyelin; SMS; sphingomyelin synthase; Cer; ceramide; CerS; ceramide synthase; S1P; sphingosine 1 phosphate; LC/ESI-MS/MS; liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry; VLCFA; very long-chain fatty acid; HexCer; hexosylc
Keywords: سل; Evening LED screen exposure; Saliva melatonin; Sleep; Power spectral density; Daytime light exposure; BMI; body mass index; EEG; electroencephalography; PSG; polysomnography; EMG; electromyogram; EOG; electrooculogram; KSS; Karolinska Sleepiness Scale; LE
Keywords: سل; AD; anaerobic digestion; BMP; biochemical methane potential LCH4,STPkgVS; CELL; cellulose (%VS); COD; chemical oxygen demand on solid material mgO2gFW-1; FW; fresh waste; HEM; hemicellulose (%VS); HRT; hydraulic retention time; MSW; municipal solid waste;
Keywords: سل; SOL; structure oriented lumping; MC; Monte Carlo; FCC; fluid catalytic cracking; MIEM; maximum information entropy method; Molecular reconstruction; Structure oriented lumping; Monte Carlo sampling; Shannon's information entropy theory; Optimization;
Keywords: سل; ASt; ankle angle at mid stance; CO; center of oscillation; KSt; knee angle at mid stance; MG; medial gastrocnemius; MTP; 5th metatarsophalangeal joint; RO; range of oscillation; Sol; soleus; UL; unloaded; ULÂ +Â 1G; unloaded +1 gravity application (normal
Keywords: سل; Tdist; distal skin temperature; Tprox; proximal skin temperature; PET; personal-level of environmental temperature; ST; skin temperature; BP; blood pressure; DBP; distal blood pressure; MAP; mean arterial blood pressure; SBP; systolic blood pressure; BAT;
Keywords: سل; Hairy-rod polymers; Conformation; Photophysical property; Precipitation; Sol;
Keywords: سل; DCA; distance of closest approach; DFT; density functional theory; EDL; electric double layer; ES; electrostatic; HS; hard sphere; LCR; limiting current regime; MAL; mass action law; MSA; mean spherical approximation; OR; ohmic regime; PNP; Poisson-Nern
Keywords: سل; ActualDown; actual downhill running at 2.5 m sâ1 (with an actual slope of â8%); ActualUp; actual uphill running at 2.5 m sâ1 (with an actual slope of +8%); BF; biceps femoris; EMG; electromyographic activity; GL; gastrocnemius lateralis; GRF; gr
Keywords: سل; AKT/PKB; protein kinase B; AMPK; adenosine monophosphate kinase; BSA; bovine serum albumin; CaMKK; calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase; CEUA; Committee for Ethical Use of Animals; DEX; dexamethasone; EDTA; ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; FHL; fle
Keywords: سل; CP; cerebral palsy; EMG; electromyography; OF; orthosis free; TD; typically developing; RF; rectus femoris; VL; vastus lateralis; HA; hamstring; TA; tibialis anterior; SOL; soleus; NG; normal gait; MP; maximal plantar flexion; Gait; Fixed equinus; Electro
Keywords: سل; HMT; heat moisture treatment; HMT-20; 20% content moisture HMT; HMT-25; 25% content moisture HMT; SOL; solubility; SP; swelling power; SS; sorghum starch; SF; sorghum flour; AC; amylose content; AAC; apparent amylose content; SAC; soluble amylose content;
Keywords: سل; Cognitive behavioral therapy; Internet; Self-help; Psychological treatment; Insomnia; Sleep; Randomized controlled trial; CBT; Cognitive-behavioral therapy; DBAS; Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep Scale; HADS; Hospital Anxiety and Depression
Keywords: سل; BP; backward rotated initial posture; CE; contractile element; CM; center of mass; EMG; electromyogram; FP; forward rotated initial posture; GAS; gastrocnemius; GLU; gluteus maximus; HAM; hamstrings; HAT; head, arms and trunk; MTCs; muscle-tendon-comple
Electrophysiological characterization of sleep/wake, activity and the response to caffeine in adult cynomolgus macaques
Keywords: سل; A1; Adenosine sub-type 1 receptor; A2a; Adenosine sub-type 2 receptor; CAF; Caffeine; EEG; Electroencephalogram; EMG; Electromyogram; i.m.; Intramuscular; LMA; Locomotor activity; NHP; Non-human primate; NREM; Non-rapid eye movement; N1; NREM Stage 1; N2;
Simple Improvisation to Enhance Utility of Fluorescein Sodium in Resection of Intracranial Lesions at Routine Neurosurgical Centers
Keywords: سل; Blue light; Fluorescein; Fluorescence-guided resection; Without microscope; ICSOL; Intracranial space-occupying lesion; LED; Light-emitting diode; MRI; Magnetic resonance imaging; SOL; Space-occupying lesion;
Stability analysis of CuO suspended API GL-5 gear lubricant sol
Keywords: سل; Sol; Gear lubricant; Suspension stability; Chemical stability; Thermo stability;
Distribution of NADPH-diaphorase reactivity in the central nervous system of the common toad (Bufo bufo)
Keywords: سل; A; anterior thalamic nucleus; AC; anterior commissure; AD; anterodorsal tegmental nucleus; AMYl; lateral amygdala; AMYm; medial amygdala; AOB; accessory olfactory bulb; OTr; olfactory tract; AQ; aqueduct of Sylvius; AV; anteroventral tegmental nucleus; C;
Repetitive TLR3 activation in the lung induces skeletal muscle adaptations and cachexia
Keywords: سل; COPD; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; extensor digitorum longus; EDL; fl; fiber lengths; gastrocnemius; Gastroc; IFN-β; interferon-beta; mTORC1; mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1; mN; milliNewton; MuRF-1; Muscle ring finger-1; MyHC; Myosin
Remyelination in the medulla oblongata of adult mouse brain during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Keywords: سل; AP; area postrema; CC; central canal; APC; adenomatous polyposis coli; Cox2; cyclooxygenase-2; BrdU; bromodeoxyurigine; EAE; experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; EdU; 5-ethynyl-2â²-deoxyuridine; FITC; fluorescein isothiocyanate isomer-I; GFAP; glia
GESIDA/PETHEMA recommendations on the diagnosis and treatment of lymphomas in patients infected by the human immunodeficiency virus
Keywords: سل; ABC; abacavir; ABVD; adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine and dacarbazine; Ara-C; cytosine arabinoside; AZT; zidovudine; BCNU; carmustine; BEACOPP; bleomycin, etoposide, adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine and prednisone; CDC; Centers fo
Relation of nNOS isoforms to mitochondrial density and PGC-1alpha expression in striated muscles of mice
Keywords: سل; Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS); nNOS alpha- and beta-isoforms; Skeletal muscle; Mitochondria; Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1alpha (PGC-1alpha); NO; nitric oxide; nNOS; neuronal nitric oxide synthase; PGC-1alpha; pero
Skeletal muscle-specific Sidt2 knockout in mice induced muscular dystrophy-like phenotype
Keywords: سل; α-GPD; α-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; ACP; acid phosphatase; AMP; adenosine monophosphate; β-gal; beta-galactosidase; CK; creatine kinase; H&E; hematoxylin and eosin; GAA; lysosomal alpha-glucosidase; GAPDH; glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehy
Flavan 3-ol delays the progression of disuse atrophy induced by hindlimb suspension in mice
Keywords: سل; EDL; Extensor digitorum longus; FL; Flavan 3-ol; GC; Gastrocnemius; MuRF1; Muscle ring finger-1; p70S6K; p70S6 kinase; PGC-1α; Proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 alpha; PI3K; Phosphoinositide 3-kinase; SOL; Soleus; TA; Tibialis anterior;
Possible influence of near SOL plasma on the H-mode power threshold
Keywords: سل; Plasma-materials interaction; Plasma properties; H-mode; SOL; Divertor; JET; EDGE2D-EIRENE;
Effect of polymer type on the surface energy of acetaminophen solid dispersions prepared by melt method
Keywords: سل; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; IGC; inverse gas chromatography; K12; Kollidon® 12 PF; K64; Kollidon® VA 64; PM; physical mixture; SD; solid dispersion; Sol; Soluplus®; STD; standard deviation; Surface energy; Solid dispersion; Physical mixture;
Pregnenolone does not interfere with the effects of cannabinoids on synaptic transmission in the cerebellum and the nucleus accumbens
Keywords: سل; ACSF; artificial cerebrospinal fluid; IPSC; inhibitory postsynaptic current; EPSC; excitatory postsynaptic current; PRE; initial reference period; PREG; pregnenolone; SOL; solvent; THDOC; tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone; CB1 cannabinoid receptor; Endocannab
Enabling Task-Specific Volitional Motor Functions via Spinal Cord Neuromodulation in a Human With Paraplegia
Keywords: سل; AIS; American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale; AUC; area under the curve; AVG; root mean square average; EES; epidural electrical stimulation; EMG; electromyography; EXT; leg extension; FLX; leg flexion; L; left limb; MG; medial gastrocnemius;
Exposition au plomb des enfants en France : niveaux d'imprégnation et déterminants
Keywords: سل; Saturnisme; Exposition environnementale; Poussière; Eau; Sol; Enfants; Lead poisoning; Environmental exposure; Dust; Water; Soil; Children;
Thermal stability and oxidation resistance of C/Al2O3 composites fabricated from a sol with high solid content
Keywords: سل; Alumina; Composites; Sol; Oxidation resistance; Thermal stability;
Roles of Sphincter of Oddi Laxity in Bile Duct Microenvironment in Patients with Cholangiolithiasis: From the Perspective of the Microbiome and Metabolome
Keywords: سل; LC-MS; liquid chromatography mass spectrometry; OTU; operational taxonomic unit; rRNA; ribosomal RNA; SOL; sphincter of Oddi laxity; TIC; total ion chromatogram; VIP; variable importance in projection;