Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
10132963 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2019 21 Pages PDF
This paper discusses the establishment of multiple linear regression (MLR)-based spring durability models for predicting the fatigue life of automotive coil springs based on the vertical vibrations of the vehicle and natural frequencies of the vehicle suspension system. These models were developed in order to simplify the design and development process of vehicle suspension systems, which is both time-intensive and cost-intensive. The simulated force-time histories were processed to obtain the fatigue life of the automotive coil spring based on the strain-life models whereas the acceleration-time histories were weighted according to the ISO-2631-1:1997 standard to determine the vertical vibrations of the vehicle. MLR was used to establish the spring durability models and the goodness of fit, linearity, normality, and homoscedasticity of the models were assessed. The highest coefficient of determination at 0.8820 was obtained for the Morrow MLR-based spring durability model, with the mean square error of 0.5855. The models were validated by comparing the fatigue life values predicted by the models with those predicted from strain measurements. The results show a good agreement between the predicted and experimental values, indicating the suitability of these models in predicting the fatigue life of automotive coil springs.
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Physical Sciences and Engineering Computer Science Signal Processing
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