Dynamics of power-transmission capacity expansion under regulated remuneration Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2019
Fuzzy nonlinear programming approach to the evaluation of manufacturing processes Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2018
Modeling and design of a multivariable control system for multi-paralleled grid-connected inverters with LCL filter Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2018
A micro-view-based data mining approach to diagnose the aging status of heating coils Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2018
Integrated clustering and routing protocol for wireless sensor networks using Cuckoo and Harmony Search based metaheuristic techniques Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2018
An enhanced fuzzy algorithm based on advanced signal processing for identification of stress Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2018
Linear dimensionality reduction for classification via a sequential Bayes error minimisation with an application to flow meter diagnostics Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2018
A blocking scheme for enhancement of distance relay security under stressed system conditions Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2018
LSTM with sentence representations for document-level sentiment classification Fulltext Access 30 Pages 2018
Reproducible experiments on dynamic resource allocation in cloud data centers Fulltext Access 4 Pages 2016
Small and large signal modeling of heavy duty gas turbine plant for load frequency control Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2016
Price forecasting and validation in the Spanish electricity market using forecasts as input data Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2016
Stochastic Petri Net-based performance evaluation of hybrid traffic for social networks system Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2016
Kernel-based fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm based on genetic algorithm Fulltext Access 6 Pages 2016
Teaching Learning Based Optimization algorithm for reactive power planning Fulltext Access 6 Pages 2016
DSTATCOM modelling for voltage stability with fuzzy logic PI current controller Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2016
Event driven tracking control algorithm for marine vessel based on backstepping method Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2016
Efficient authentication and access control of message dissemination over vehicular ad hoc network Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2016
Comprehensive framework for capacitor placement in distribution networks from the perspective of distribution system management in a restructured environment Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2016
Optimal SSSC design for damping power systems oscillations via Gravitational Search Algorithm Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2016
Frequency control improvement of two adjacent microgrids in autonomous mode using back to back Voltage-Sourced Converters Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2016
Several variants of Kalman Filter algorithm for power system harmonic estimation Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2016
A software application for rapid risk assessment in integrated supply chains Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2016
An expert system for financial performance assessment of health care structures based on fuzzy sets and KPIs Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2016
Planning of multi-type FACTS devices in restructured power systems with wind generation Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2016
Hybrid optimization implemented for distributed generation parameters in a power system network Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2016
A new fault location method for distribution networks using sparse measurements Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2016
Load frequency controller design via BAT algorithm for nonlinear interconnected power system Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2016
Power distribution network reconfiguration for power loss minimization using novel dynamic fuzzy c-means (dFCM) clustering based ANN approach Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2016
iSports: A web-oriented expert system for talent identification in soccer Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2016
An optimised FOPID controller for dynamic voltage stability and reactive power management in a stand-alone micro grid Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2016
An object-oriented approach for multi-objective flexible job-shop scheduling problem Fulltext Access 14 Pages 2016
A Fast SVD-Hidden-nodes based Extreme Learning Machine for Large-Scale Data Analytics Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2016
On the efficacy of imperfect public-monitoring of seller reputation in e-commerce Fulltext Access 6 Pages 2015
Improved synergetic excitation control for transient stability enhancement and voltage regulation of power systems Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2015
Development of a decision support system based on neural networks and a genetic algorithm Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2015
Microgrid operation and management using probabilistic reconfiguration and unit commitment Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2015
Fuzzy data mining and management of interpretable and subjective information Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2015
Data mining in lung cancer pathologic staging diagnosis: Correlation between clinical and pathology information Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2015
Group multi-criteria supplier selection using combined grey systems theory and uncertainty theory Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2015
From data mining to knowledge mining: Application to intelligent agents Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2015
Selecting “The Best” ERP system for SMEs using a combination of ANP and PROMETHEE methods Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2015
Generation expansion planning in electricity markets: A novel framework based on dynamic stochastic MPEC Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2015
Business intelligence in banking: A literature analysis from 2002 to 2013 using text mining and latent Dirichlet allocation Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2015
Fuzzy logic-based attenuation relationships of strong motion earthquake records Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2015
Group multi-criteria supplier selection using an extended VIKOR method with interval 2-tuple linguistic information Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2015
Predictive modeling of hospital readmissions using metaheuristics and data mining Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2015
Imperialist competitive algorithm with PROCLUS classifier for service time optimization in cloud computing service composition Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2015
Shareholder value creation on deregulated transportation sector: Focus on North American railway freight Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2015
The impact of knowledge complementarities on supply chain performance through knowledge exchange Fulltext Access 12 Pages 2015
The application of ISM model in evaluating agile suppliers selection criteria and ranking suppliers using fuzzy TOPSIS-AHP methods Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2015
Challenges of Enterprise Resource Planning implementation in Iran large organizations Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2015
Optimal allocation of capacitor banks in radial distribution systems for minimization of real power loss and maximization of network savings using bio-inspired optimization algorithms Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2015
An innovative intelligent system based on automatic diagnostic feature extraction for diagnosing heart diseases Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2015
Developing an approach to evaluate stocks by forecasting effective features with data mining methods Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2015
Expert video-surveillance system for real-time detection of suspicious behaviors in shopping malls Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2015
A knowledge-based expert system for assessing the performance level of green buildings Fulltext Access 16 Pages 2015
A novel multi criteria decision making model for optimizing time–cost–quality trade-off problems in construction projects Fulltext Access 16 Pages 2015
Study on unit commitment problem considering wind power and pumped hydro energy storage Fulltext Access 5 Pages 2014
Distribution network planning integrating charging stations of electric vehicle with V2G Fulltext Access 6 Pages 2014
A new procedure for determination of insulators contamination in electrical distribution networks Fulltext Access 6 Pages 2014
One approach for reactive power control of capacitor banks in distribution and industrial networks Fulltext Access 7 Pages 2014
Student data mining solution–knowledge management system related to higher education institutions Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2014
Reliability centered maintenance optimization for power distribution systems Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2014
Adaptive differential protection of three-phase power transformers based on transient signal analysis Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2014
Development of non-intrusive monitoring for reactive switching of high voltage circuit breaker Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2014
Composite automated distribution system reliability model considering various automated substations Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2014
A solution to the generation scheduling problem in power systems with large-scale wind farms using MICA Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2014
In-body ultrasound image processing for cardiovascular interventions: A review Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2014
An architectural design for effective information retrieval in semantic web Fulltext Access 9 Pages 2014
A hybrid wavelet-ELM based short term price forecasting for electricity markets Fulltext Access 10 Pages 2014
On modeling and control of advanced aircraft electric power systems: System stability and bifurcation analysis Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2014
Bidding strategy of microgrid with consideration of uncertainty for participating in power market Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2014
TQM: A facilitator to enhance knowledge management? A structural analysis Fulltext Access 13 Pages 2014
Hybrid expert system using case based reasoning and neural network for classification Fulltext Access 14 Pages 2014
Fuzzy option prioritization for the graph model for conflict resolution Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2014
A multi-objective optimization problem for allocating parking lots in a distribution network Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2013
Profit based unit commitment and economic dispatch of IPPs with new technique Fulltext Access 8 Pages 2013