Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
10163017 Pediatria Polska 2012 6 Pages PDF
This paper presents the basic issues concerning the problem of child abuse and the crucial legislative acts defining the duties of a doctor if it is determined or suspected child abuse. In addition to protecting the health and life of the child, a physician conduct must include the need to respect the applicable rules and steps leading to the interruption of violence. The primary responsibility of the physician is the need for notification of law enforcement in cases of suspected child abuse. This procedure must be followed by securing the evidence of the crime. Both these aspects are strongly linked with the rules on medical confidentiality, especially those that allow it to break under certain circumstances. Later in the article the authors also explains, very publicized by the media, the ability to receive child from their parents by a social worker. It also describes the role of a doctor in this process. Interdisciplinary teams composed of representatives of various institutions dealing with victims of violence, are an important element in the whole scheme, having a strong legal basis now. For people working in this team, it is a source of substantive and psychological support. It also allows a better understanding of mutual competence. At the end of the work the authors shall discuss the possibility of legal protection against possible adverse medical consequences from the perpetrator of violence.
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