Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
1924908 Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 2015 7 Pages PDF
Distribution of intramedullary pressure (ImP) induced bone fluid flow has been suggested to influence the magnitude of mechanotransductory signals within bone. As osteocytes have been suggested as major mechanosensors in bone network, it is still unclear how osteocytes embedded within a mineralized bone matrix respond to the external mechanical stimuli derived from direct coupling of dynamic fluid flow stimulation (DFFS). While in vitro osteocytes show unique Ca2+ oscillations to fluid shear, the objective of this study was to use a confocal imaging technique to visualize and quantify Ca2+ responses in osteocytes in situ under DFFS into the marrow cavity of an intact ex vivo mouse femur. This study provided significant technical development for evaluating mechanotransduction mechanism in bone cell response by separation of mechanical strain and fluid flow factors using ImP stimulation, giving the ability for true real-time imaging and monitoring of bone cell activities during the stimulation. Loading frequency dependent Ca2+ oscillations in osteocytes indicated the optimized loading at 10 Hz, where such induced response was significantly diminished via blockage of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. The results provided a pilot finding of the potential crosstalk or interaction between Wnt/β-catenin signaling and Ca2+ influx signaling of in situ osteocytes in response to mechanical signals. Findings from the present study make a valuable tool to investigate how in situ osteocytes respond and transduce mechanical signals, e.g. DFFS, as a central mechanosensor.
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