Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
434429 Theoretical Computer Science 2014 17 Pages PDF

In this paper we present an algorithm for determining the number of spanning trees of a graph G which takes advantage of the structure of the modular decomposition tree of G. Specifically, our algorithm works by contracting the modular decomposition tree of the input graph G in a bottom-up fashion until it becomes a single node; then, the number of spanning trees of G is computed as the product of a collection of values which are associated with the vertices of G   and are updated during the contraction process. In particular, when applied on a (q,q−4)(q,q−4)-graph for fixed q  , a P4P4-tidy graph, or a tree-cograph, our algorithm computes the number of its spanning trees in time linear in the size of the graph, where the complexity of arithmetic operations is measured under the uniform-cost criterion. Therefore we give the first linear-time algorithm for the counting problem in the considered graph classes.

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