Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
450278 Computer Communications 2008 11 Pages PDF

A service-oriented and user-centric intrusion detection system (SUIDS) is proposed in our previous work for a ubiquitous/pervasive computing network. The inherent features of ubiquitous computing request an IDS to give special concerns over the issue of resource-efficiency. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of the resource constraints in SUIDS and propose a new method in order to reduce the resource consumptions. Specifically, the paper shows how a node’s computing availability is measured by correlating with its energy usage; how a node’s trust level is estimated based on multi-factors; and how a hybrid metric is used to balance these limited resources together. As a result, SUIDS achieves better performance in terms of resource efficiency with enhanced security.

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Physical Sciences and Engineering Computer Science Computer Networks and Communications
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