Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
462223 Journal of Systems and Software 2009 12 Pages PDF

Recently, Multi-Level Cell (MLC) NAND flash memory is becoming widely used as storage media for mobile devices such as mobile phones, MP3 players, PDAs and digital cameras. MLC NAND flash memory, however, has some restrictions that hard disk or Single-Level Cell (SLC) NAND flash memory do not have. Since most traditional database techniques assume hard disk, they may not provide the best attainable performance on MLC NAND flash memory. In this paper, we design and implement an MLC NAND flash-based DBMS for mobile devices, called AceDB Flashlight, which fully exploits the unique characteristics of MLC NAND flash memory. Our performance evaluations on an MLC NAND flash-based device show that the proposed DBMS significantly outperforms the existing ones.

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