Article ID Journal Published Year Pages File Type
4921925 International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 2017 6 Pages PDF

Stillwater Mining Company is the only U.S. producer of platinum group metals (PGMs) and the largest producer outside of South Africa and Russia. The company controls a considerable portion of the J-M reef and is currently developing the “Blitz Project,” which will provide a main haulage level, ore pass systems, backfill plants, and flow-through ventilation to increase production and ensure sustainable extraction of this critical strategic mineral. While driving two sub-parallel footwall laterals 8125 m in length, one of the development drifts experienced a massive fall in a geologically disturbed area created by a mafic dike intrusion. Combinations of a void fill material (Tekseal), polyurethane injection, fore poling coupled with steel arches, and supplemental bolting allow safe and efficient advance through this geologically disturbed zone. This paper presents the details of this project.

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