Article ID | Journal | Published Year | Pages | File Type |
8159748 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | 2018 | 22 Pages |
The mean acquisition time of CS-3D-MRCP (150â¯Â±â¯63â¯s) was significantly lower than that of 3D-MRCP (317â¯Â±â¯104â¯s; Pâ¯<â¯0.001). The median score of overall quality (reader 1, 3.7â¯Â±â¯1.0 vs. 3.4â¯Â±â¯1.1, Pâ¯=â¯0.11; reader 2, 3.8â¯Â±â¯1.0 vs. 3.7â¯Â±â¯1.1, Pâ¯=â¯0.36), artifacts and visualization of the bile ducts were not significantly different between 3D-MRCP and CS-3D-MRCP. There was no significant difference in the visualization score of the index pancreatic cyst (reader 1, 4.2â¯Â±â¯0.9 vs. 4.1â¯Â±â¯0.9, Pâ¯=â¯0.42; reader 2, 4.2â¯Â±â¯0.4 vs. 4.0â¯Â±â¯0.7, Pâ¯=â¯0.27) and no difference in the assessment of cyst features. Applying CS to 3D-MRCP yields a two-fold reduction in acquisition time with comparable image quality and visualization of key pancreatic cyst features.
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Alessandro Furlan, Ersin Bayram, Senthur Thangasamy, Dale Barley, Anil Dasyam,